Your Body Is A Temple

"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you received from God? You are not your own" 1 Corinthians 6:19

Your body is a temple and it should be treated as such. Sex is meant to be shared between a husband and wife. It is a way to honor and worship God together. Saving sex for marriage is the best advice I can give someone. Do not give into the temptations of this world. If you give in, you may not regret it in that moment, but in the future it could come back and bite you in the butt. 

I'm going to share my story and why this verse means a lot to me. As I mentioned in my previous post I dated a guy who claimed to believe the same things as me but he wanted to have sex. At first I told him I wanted to wait because that's what I believed in and that's what I felt was right. I grew up in a Christian home and even had a purity ring so that I wouldn't be so tempted. Well, Ian said things to me and it made me believe that we were going to be together forever, so I unfortunately went against my better judgement and lost my virginity to him. It was a learning experience for me in more ways than one. 

At first, I didn't regret it because I believed him in that he did truly want to be with me forever. Now, I still don't know for sure if he was just using me for sex the last month and a half of our relationship or not. However, I can't blame it completely on him, because I too was at fault in this. I consented to it, and I didn't say no. Granted given the current circumstances I wish I would not have gone against my own judgement and personal beliefs. 

Once Ian broke up with me I felt a sense of freedom, a sense of relief like I could be myself again. (If you are curious about what Ian said to me when we broke up you are more than welcome to look back on my previous post as I mentioned it there). Except, the day after he left me when I was getting ready for work I came across the verse 1 Corinthians 6:19 and in that moment I knew that what I had done was wrong, but I also knew that I WAS FORGIVEN. After-all, God sent His son, Jesus to die for us and our sins on the Cross. But, that still doesn't make my mistake okay. It took me quite some time to really truly forgive myself and realize that God forgave me. 

As soon as I forgave myself, and focused more on my relationship with God, He reminded me of Michael, who had been in my life for several months at the time, but I didn't think anything of it until God reminded me who he was and that I should see where it takes us. So, I did just that. Michael encourages me in everything that I do and he supports me no matter what. He accepts me for who I am and understands that my past is my past and that I am moving on from it.

My point in this post is; wait until you're ready to have sex. Do not sleep with someone who is not your husband. Wait until you're married. I regret not waiting, but I also know that I can become pure again because God forgives me and I am really truly making Him the center of my life. Without Christ I wouldn't be where I am today.
Image result for you are more
You are more than the choices that you make. This song has been a miracle in how I feel about myself. 
Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit and it should be treated as just that. 💓💙
